● Do you know their impact?

Montse i Imma de Tugas i companyia
Tugas and company is a cooperative project dedicated to the production of organic vegetables and fruit in the Parc Agrari del Llobregat.

Imma Tugas has been a member of the cooperative since its foundation and currently takes care of the production. Her passion is the countryside, growing healthy food and making it accessible to the population.


Imma de Tugas i Companyia

What impacts you the most about the cooperative?

What impresses me most about our cooperative is the deep commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment. Our fields, located near Barcelona, ​​are dedicated to the cultivation of a wide variety of organic products, both garden and fruit, prioritizing always responsible agricultural practices.

But what really makes the difference is our commitment to collaboration: not only focusing on sustainable production, but also supporting other cooperative projects, creating a network of synergies that promotes a more just, supportive and respectful agricultural model with nature promoting this food sovereignty way.

When and why did you start?

A year ago we started this project with the clear objective of giving visibility to the proximity farming, working together with other cooperative initiatives. We were moved by the desire to promote a sustainable agricultural model committed to the environment, encouraging a more direct and conscious relationship between the producer and the consumer.

How many members are part of the project?

Currently, the project consists of two working partners and two workers. In addition, we are about to add more people to the team.

What differentiates you from similar projects?

What makes us different from other companies is our deep commitment to promotion and dissemination of the values ​​we defend: the consumption of seasonal, organic products and proximity.

We are passionate about being an engine of change, inspiring new generations to cultivate the earth sustainably and keep it fertile for the future. In addition, we believe in collaboration and constant learning to move towards a more natural agriculture, always with the aim of offering products at a fair price for consumers and ensuring decent remuneration for farmers. Our difference lies in the desire to create a positive impact on society, agriculture and the environment.

How do you see yourselves in the future?

We envision ourselves as an agricultural cooperative of reference that not only promotes the production of organic vegetables and fruits, but also, through mutual cooperation, generates stable and quality job opportunities.

In addition, we actively contribute to the consolidation of food sovereignty, promoting a sustainable and fair production model for the territory and the community. Our future is to be a key agent in the transformation towards a more balanced and resilient food system, which benefits both people and the environment.

What support have you received from Seira Impuls Cooperatiu? What have you used it for?

We received both funding and training support for our project.

Seira has been a key piece in opening the doors for us to become part of the great family cooperative, and for that we are deeply grateful. Their support has been essential to promote our initiative and make it grow.


● Investment object

Promote our initiative and make it grow

● Type of investment

Equity loan