LEGAL NOTICE is a website, with a registered domain name, property of Fundació Seira per a la innovació i projecció del cooperativisme.

(Hereinafter, equally, Fundació Seira)

The goal of is to inform on the activities of Fundació Seira, as well as its products and services, offers, promotions and other relevant information about Fundació Seira.

Access to is free, and the provision of e-commerce and e-contracting services is not foreseen. By using this website, the user fully and without reservations agree to each and all of the provisions included in the present Legal Notice. Therefore, the website user has to closely read the present Legal Notice on each of the occasions he/she uses the website because the text could be modified under the criteria of the owner of the website or a legislative, jurisprudential or business practice change.

  • Data of the owner of the website

Name of the owner: Fundació Seira per a la innovació i projecció del cooperativisme

Social address: Carrer Premià, 15 1a Planta (08014) Barcelona

ID: G 64818297

Telephone: 933324181

Email address:

Registered data:

Fundació Seira is responsible for the website and is committed to complying with all the national and European requisites that regulate the use of the user’s personal data.

This website guarantees the protection and confidentiality of submitted personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, the Organic Law 3/2018 on protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights, as well as the Law 32/2002 of 11 July 2002, on information society services and electronic commerce.

  • Object

The website provides users with access to information and services provided by Fundació Seira to those individuals or organizations that are interested.

Access and use of the website assigns the condition of user of the website (hereinafter the “user”) and implies accepting all conditions included in this Legal Notice as well as its changes. The provision of the website service is limited to the time at which the user is connected to the website.

Therefore, the user has to closely read the Legal Notice each time he/she enters the website, because the website and terms of use found in the present Legal Notice may change.

  • Access and use of the website
    • Free access and use of the website. Access to the website is free for its users, except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by the users.
    • User registration. With a general character, access and use of the website do not require the previous subscription or registration of the user.
    • Users guarantee and respond, in any case, to the accuracy, validity and authenticity of submitted personal data and commit to keeping it up to date. The user accepts sending complete and correct information in the contact or subscription form. In the case of minors under thirteen (13) years old, the consent of the parents or legal tutors is required to process their personal data. In no case shall we collect from the minor data related to the professional, and economic situation of the family or other personal data without the previous consent of family members. If you are under thirteen (13) and have accessed this website without warning your parents you should not register as a user. This website respects and takes care of the user’s personal data. As a user, you must know your rights are safeguarded.
    • In particular, the user commits to:
    • Act in good faith and loyalty in all its relations with Fundació Seira.
    • Provide valid and accurate data during its contractual relationship with Fundació Seira.
    • Use the website correctly and complying with current legislation, morals and public order, abiding by the present Legal Notice, and, in its case, the established terms of use and contract, as well as not permitting the use of non-authorized third parties of its tools and provided services.
    • Collaborate and notify Fundació Seira about the information, particularly technical, to which it has access while operating that could affect or harm the trustworthiness of the website, the services provided by Fundació Seira, its partners, collaborators, providers, other users or other third parties, as well as the provisions of the current Legal Notice, or, in its case, the terms of use and contract.
  • Navigation:

Internet servers can collect non-identifiable data, which may include IP addresses and other data that can not be used to identify the user. Your IP address shall be automatically saved in access logs with the only aim of allowing internet traffic, making it necessary for your device to provide this IP address when navigating on the internet so that communications can be carried out. Likewise, the IP address can be used to prepare anonymous statistics on the number and origin of website visitors, in a completely transparent manner to your navigation.

  • Website content and third-party links

The language used by the owner of the website is Catalan. Fundació Seira is not responsible for the user’s non-comprehension of the language nor its consequences. Fundació Seira can freely change or eliminate the website content or change the way to access the website without previous notice or justification, and shall not be responsible for the consequences this may cause users.

Fundació Seira reserves the right to temporarily suspend accessibility to the website if necessary, without previous notice, to carry out the necessary maintenance and updating tasks.

It is prohibited to use the content of the website to promote, contract or disseminate advertising, information of your own or from third parties without the authorization of Fundació Seira, or remitting publicity or information by profiting from the services or information made available to users, independently if it is free or not.

The website may include links to third-party websites, the content of which cannot be attributed nor required to Fundació Seira. The responsible is the owner of each of the accessed websites.

The establishment of any link from another website to shall be always done to the main page, and the total or partial reproduction of the services included in Fundació Seira is expressly prohibited.

  • Responsibility and safety measures

The information found on the website might not always be up to date. Therefore, Fundació Seira is not responsible for any unforeseen harm produced by an external or third party to the information provided.

Access to the website and the non-consensual use of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of whoever does it.

Fundació Seira shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by the malfunctioning of the communication networks that enable access to, as for any access interruptions, viruses,  connections and operating systems for accessing the internet network. Likewise, Fundació Seira cannot be made responsible for potential damage caused by illicit and illegitimate acts of third parties alien to Fundació Seira, in the transmission of data across communication networks.

Fundació Seira will not be responsible for the reliability or quickness of the links added to the website. Fundació Seira does not guarantee the usefulness of these links, nor is it responsible for the content or services the user might access through these links, nor of the correct functioning of these websites.

Personal data sent by the user might be kept in automatized databases or not, the ownership of which exclusively corresponds to Fundació Seira, assuming all the technical, organizational and safety measures to ensure confidentiality, trustworthiness and the quality of the information contained within, in accordance to what is established in current laws on the protection of personal data.

  • Use of cookies

The website may use cookies or similar technologies that will comply with the Cookie policy, accessible at any moment and respecting the confidentiality and privacy of the user, being an essential part of the present Legal Notice.

  • Industrial and intellectual property

The user acknowledges and accepts that all content (including  but not limited to texts, logos, images, drawings, web design, trademarks, source code and software) and any other element of the website are the property of Fundació Seira and are protected by current laws on industrial and intellectual property and any other applicable legislation. The user commits to respecting the industrial and intellectual property rights of Fundació Seira and third parties.

The legitimate exploitation of these corresponds exclusively to Fundació Seira or its licensees, remaining expressively forbidden the total or partial reproduction and distribution of any kind of content by the user or third parties without express authorization by Fundació Seira. Any use of the website or its content shall have an exclusively personal nature.

Fundació Seira has the exclusive right to totally or partially copy, reproduce, distribute, transform, publicly communicate or perform similar actions with the website; this means no other user can carry out these actions without previous written authorization of Fundació Seira.

In no case, the access to implies the total or partial permission, resignation, transmission, license or cession of these rights by its owners, nor any other right to use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution, or public communication except if Fundació Seira expressly authorizes the contrary.

Content. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a user or third party considers that content from the website could violate third-party rights, we please ask them to notify us as soon as possible.

  • Changing the Legal Notice

 The content of the present Legal Notice is of indefinite duration and can be modified at any moment complying with the current legislation and the changes that can arise as a result of the activities of Fundació Seira

  • Applicable law

 The present Legal Notice shall be interpreted and regulated in accordance with Spanish legislation. Fundació Seira and the users, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the user’s domicile for any dispute that may arise from access to or use of the Website. In the event that the user is domiciled outside of Spain, Fundació Seira and the user submit, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of Barcelona.

Should the parties consider it necessary to resort to alternative dispute resolution systems, such as arbitration or mediation, they must propose and expressly accept it in writing at the time the dispute arises, and always based on the provisions of the applicable regulations.

  • Comments and suggestions

Your comments and suggestions will be much appreciated. You can get in touch through our contact form.